It All Started with Neil

The Neilom Foundation was established by my grandfather Davinder K. Anand in honor of my Dad, his son, Dilip “Neil” Anand. Neil was a successful CPA, an amazing father, a self proclaimed basketball star, and most of all, the kind of person you never forget once you meet them.  He was one of those people that upon meeting him for the first time, he made you feel like he knew you for years and then he would find out what you needed and how he could help. He dedicated majority of his life to helping anyone in need at every level of life.

Whether it was helping them get a job, connecting them with a business, recommending a contractor, putting in a good word at bank, or paying for someone’s groceries, he never missed an opportunity to help young people. He would have been very proud of the work of his Foundation and everything that his father was able to accomplish in his honor.

(Written by Alexander Anand, Director of Operations)

Dr. Davinder K. Anand

In 2012, my late grandfather, Davinder K. Anand, founded the Neilom Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting young people creating positive social impact using technology in honor of my late father Neil Anand. Under his guidance, the foundation made significant investments at the University of Maryland and other institutions, establishing scholarships and prizes to benefit students in perpetuity.

Beginning in 2015, he took on a new challenge: developing a unique course in collaboration with the School of Public Policy titled Engineering for Social Change. This innovative course taught a new generation of students about the social impact of engineering, unintended consequences, and supported more than $60,000 in important social impact projects carefully selected by students in the course. 

My grandfather spent the last decade up until the day he passed planning for the future on how this foundation can help the next generation succeed and do better than we all did before them. He will be remembered fondly for his wise, compassionate mentorship of and support for students, faculty, and staff at the university. His legacy is a testament to the value and importance he placed on education, family, and doing good at every chance he got.

(Written by Alexander Anand, Director of Operations)